We know that these automatic translations are not perfect and we have a lot of fun reading them too ;) These beige Filippo sneakers are made of natural suede leather for a luxurious look and durability. The suede textile lining provides comfort and breathability, perfect for colder days. The solid sole is the same color as the shoes, adding elegance and simplicity.
The model of these sneakers is Filippo DB3522/22 BE. The insole of the shoe is made of natural leather for extra comfort. The shoes do not have a specific pattern, which means they are perfectly compatible with all types of clothes.
These women's shoes are low rise which means they don't have a pronounced heel - they have a heel/platform height of 4. They are laced up for extra security and stability.
The manufacturer stated that the toe of the shoe is round, which ensures comfort, even if worn for a long time. The footwear is new and comes in the original manufacturer's packaging.
The manufacturer's code is 5903849347426, and the manufacturer's color name is "beige". These sneakers are part of the KeeShoes collection by Filippo. When choosing a size, it is recommended to use the size chart.
The footwear category is Women » Women » Sneakers and the width of the shoes is G. The shoes are breathable, which ensures optimal comfort even throughout the day.
Producer: Filippo
Related categories:Women Women's Sneakers Boots Filippo
Additional features:breathable
Producent code:5903849347426
Color of the sole:beige
Insole material:natural leather
Outer material:natural chamois leather
Model:Leather Sneakers Filippo DB3522 / 22 BE
The manufacturer's color name:beige
The nose:round
Original manufacturer's packaging:box
sex:Women's shoes
Heel / platform height:4
Dominant pattern:without pattern
The condition of the packaging:Original
Suede Leather Sneakers Filippo DP3522 / 22 BE Beige
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